- Knot application History
- Materials for making rope knots
- How to secure the ends of the rope to prevent unwinding
- Terms and techniques of tying knots
- Simple knot
- Untied simple knot
- Double simple knot
- Triple simple knot
- How to tie an oak knot
- Knot half grapevine
- A simple knot with a loop
- Knot "Conductor"
- Knot "Double conductor"
- Knot "Triple conductor"
- Knot "Barrel" with loop
- A knot for attaching scaffolding racks to crossbars
- Knot "Polushtyk"
- Knot "Simple bayonet"
- Knot "Polushtyk with loop"
- Knot "Simple bayonet with twine"
- Counter knot
- Fishing knot
- Double Fishing knot
- Triple Fishing knot
- The "Simple Stamp" knot
- The "Advanced Brand" knot
- Knot "Sailing brand"
- Knot "Western brand"
- The Zeppelin Bend (also known as the Rosendahl Bend)
- Hunting knot
- Batch or harness knot
- Furrier 's Knot
- Surgical knot
- Sling knot
- Flat knot
- Modified flat knot
- The "Counter Eight" knot
- Double Eight knot
- Adjustable connecting knot
- Knot "Linfit"
- Knot "Snake"
- Knot Asher "Weiss weight"
- Stock assembly
- Bram-rod assembly
- Docker knot
- The Albright knot
- Asher's Grasping knot
- Lorna knot
- A knot fixed at the throwing end of the rope
- Asher Simple knot (option I)
- Asher Simple knot (option II)
- Double Simple Asher knot
- Asher's knot "Handshake"
- Knot "Connecting the Austrian conductor"
- Arbor knot or bowline
- Double arbor knot
- Modified thieves knot
- Fishing knot - eight
- Knot "Blind loop!
- Marine knot "Falovy Marseille"
- Pirate knot
- Picket knot
- Nuttall Pressure assembly
- Fastening unit "Ossel"
- Knot "Ossel"
- Lovins knot
- Lisel-tack knot or "Byteline"
- Asher's knot "Klinin Klara"
- Garrote with polushtykami or log knot
- Tow or lighter assembly
- Smith's Icicle knot
- Is a sling (semi-snapping) knot
- Knot "Circular loop"
- Knot Tossa "Whip"
- Stick knot
- Smith's Double Stick Knot
- Sea knot "Cat's paw"
- Anchor knot or fishing bayonet (option I)
- Anchor knot (option II)
- Fishing knot "Palomar"
- Knot "Tourlier"
- Fishing knot "Jansik"
- Knot "Bridle"
- Knot "Bloody"
- Knot "Virtue" or "True love"
- Mooring or pole assembly
- The "Stirrup" or knotted knot
- Modified Stirrup assembly
- Double Stirrup knot
- Ashley's "Arrow" Knot
- Reef knot
- Babi or babushkin knot
- Knot "Thieves"
- Knot "Vulture"
- The "Mill"
- Bag knot
- A knot for fixing poles
- Constrictor knot (option I)
- Constrictor knot (option II)
- Constrictor knot (option III)
- Collingwood 's Python knot
- Amphor knot
- Asher's Equalizing knot
- Fastening knot "Double eight"
- Transverse constrictor knot Ashley
- Knot "Square Turkish head" (4x5)
- Knot "Twisted Turkish head" (2x3)
- Knot Square Turkish head (5x4)
- Locking knot "Eight"
- Stevedore knot
- Ashley's locking knot
- Intersecting knot
- Knot "Prusik"
- Knot "Triple prusik"
- Elongated Chisnall knot "Prusik"
- Knot "Chi-Fi"
- Cross knot Heddon
- Heddon's Double Cross knot
- The "Leg of Mutton" knot
- Square knot or Rastler knot
- Austrian grasping Marshal's knot or "Kleimhest"
- Penberti knot
- Untied Chisnall knot (option I)
- Untied Chisnall knot (option II)
- Munter knot or "Fire"
- Modified Munter knot
- Munter-Mule knot
- Bachman's knot
- The Mariner knot
- A bay with a reef knot
- The "Eight" coil
- Bay "Fire"
- Bay "Alpine"
- Knot "Musing"
- Knot "Chinese mousing"
- Knot "Chinese button"
- Knot "Double Chinese button"
- Knot "For good luck"
- The "Perfect Loop" knot
- Eskimo loop knot
- The "Tightening" knot
- Is a protracted or midshipman's knot
- The "Bulin" knot with a loop
- The "Bulin" knot with a double loop
- Bowline knot with triple loop
- Knot "Water bulin"
- Asher's knot "Bulin brammichem"
- Knot "Spanish bulin"
- Knot "Portuguese bulin" (option I)
- Knot "Portuguese bulin" (option II)
- The "Austrian Conductor" or "Butterfly" knot
- Knot "Farm loop"
- Knot "Droper loop"
- Knot Chisnall "Adjustable loop"
- Ashley's "Bunny Ears" knot or double conductor
- Knot-loop Chisnall "Triple eight"
- Frost knot
- Double knot "Frost"
- Knot "Flemish loop"
- Knot-Chisnall loop "Eight by three quarters"
- Tarbuck knot
- Knot "Harness"
- Knot "Gallows noose" or garrote
- Knot "Drunk"
- Shackle knot
- The "Fire chair" knot
- Axial knot or "Arbor"
- Bimini knot
- Knot for fixing boards
- Marine top knot
- Three-way sheet assembly
- The barrel knot
- The "Monkey Fist" knot
- Is a semi-secure knot
- Vestibule seam for fixing
- Cable knot for fixing
- "Polispast poldo"
- Knot Aldridge "Reel lanyard"
- Knot braiding the ring
- The knot that weaves the ring with loops
- Double ring braiding
- Ring braiding "Ring bolt"
- The Diamond fastening unit
- Is a unit used by truckers
- Knot "Round mat"
- Knot "Carrick Mat"
- Knot "Long mat"
- Knot "Oceanic spit"
- Knot "Monkey chain"
- Knot "Double Monkey chain"
- Circular simple chain
- Double circular chain
- Pigtail
- A pigtail of two strands
- A pigtail of three strands
- A pigtail of four strands
- Weaving of four strands
- Round weaving of six strands
- Tie knot "Transverse"
- Simple knot or "Four-in-Hand"
- Universal knot or "Half Windsor"
- "Windsor" knot
- "Pratt" knot
- "Onassis" knot
- "Van Wijk" knot
- "Murrell" knot
- "Grantchester" knot
- "Hanover" knot
- "Baltus" knot
- "Trinity" knot
- "Eldridge" knot